Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Beowulf Paper Essay

â€Å"Time and again, foul things attacked me, lurking and stalking, but I lashed out, gave as good as I got with my sword. My flesh was not for feasting on, there would be no monsters gnawing and gloating over their banquet at the bottom of the sea. Instead, in the morning, mangled and sleeping the sleep of the sword, lay slopped and floated like the ocean’s leavings. From now on sailors would be safe, the deep-sea raids were over for good. Light came from the east, bright guarantee of God, and the waves went quiet; I could see headlands and buffeted cliffs. Often, for undaunted courage, fate spares the man it has not already marked. However it occurred, my sword had killed nine sea-monsters. Such night-dangers and hard ordeals I have never heard of nor of a man more desolate in surging waves. But worn out as I was, I survived, came through with my life. The ocean lifted and laid me ashore, I landed safe on the coast of Finland.† * Seamus Heaney, Beowulf: A new Transla tion, Lines 559-581 The epic poem, Beowulf, is an old classic hero tale. The author tells throughout the poem how Beowulf is an archetypal hero through different characteristics, good and bad combined. He usually portrays health, skill, consideration, honor, loyalty, respect and the quality of a protagonist, and then at times he also is an antagonist. He sticks to what the king asked him to do, and fought off Grendel, then he stayed around to fight off Grendel’s mother and the dragon to keep the town out of danger and terror, showing loyalty, honor, skill, respect, and health. But he was an antagonist when he taunted Grendel to get him to battle him. (Lines 301-709) He also showed consideration when he fought off Grendel’s mother after she wanted vengeance for Grendel (Lines 710-1007), and when he fought off the dragon (2211-2512). In the particular passage above Beowulf is perceived as Healthy, Skillful and Educated. He comes off as healthy because he says that he fought monsters time and time again, which requires a healthy system to uphold against the constant fighting. He comes off as Skillful because he said that no monsters were gloating over him at the bottom of the sea, instead he was lying on top of the sea, still living and then landed on shore. He also is skillful because he killed nine sea-monsters and protected the sailors from all of the sea monsters that they were once terrorized and killed by. Then Beowulf comes off as Educated because of all the sailors and men that passed through that part of the sea, he was the only one that had the education and skill to kill off the monsters that were dangerous and a hard ordeal. And it’s not only in this passage that the author shows that Beowulf is healthy, it’s all the way up until the very last battle where his health pretty much crashes and burns because he can’t withstand the wound. But even with all the good, Beowulf is also bad, he doesn’t have the best moral quality, being in a Christian poem. He boasts about how he killed Grendel, and still takes money from the people in the town even when they don’t have the most money in the world (Lines 1925-2210). Any person with any moral uphold wouldn’t accept the money, gold and horses from the town people and he wouldn’t boast about killing someone, he would boast that he protected the town from danger. The author successfully proved Beowulf to be the great hero he was said to be through his depiction of Beowulf as the skillful, educated epic hero and the way he told the story. Works Cited: Heaney, S. (n.d.). Beowulf: The New Translation.

Inbound Tourism of South Africa

Inbound Tourism of South Africa There are two main factors in recent history that contributed to the increased number of Inbound Tourists to South Africa. The First would be because of the political history of South Africa. After the Second World war there were serious segregation laws implemented. Separating blacks from whites – they named it Apartheid. Play clip: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=Rz4F_InsBeo If you were a tourist in South Africa and you weren’t white you would have to make use of the non-whites facilities – which were usually of poor standards.In an attempt to put an end to Apartheid, South Africa was sanctioned by the UN and naturally this put South Africa on the global stage. Shortly After ,the UK and USA boycotted South Africa with: * Economic sanctions * Military sanctions * Cultural boycotts * Sporting boycotts Later 23 countries joined in these boycotts. This meant that none of those countries traveled to South Africa . Musicians, actors, writers or other artists did not publish any of their material of South African nature.South Africa was isolated from the world, in the sense that foreigners did no longer invest or visit South Africa but South Africa was still getting a lot of attention internationally. The protests against the Apartheid movement became more violent and the political unrest even worse. Of course this made tourists skeptical of travelling to South Africa. 1990 marked the end of Apartheid; in 1994 South Africa had their first democratic elections. Nelson Mandela was voted the first black President of South Africa.Since 1994 South African Tourism growth has been exceptional Million people Year Only 16 years after being a democratic and free country , South Africa had the opportunity to host the 2010 Soccer World Cup . This event made the world even more aware of South Africa, everyone was talking about the Soccer World Cup and therefore South Africa as a country received even more publicity. Even wit hout the number of tourists that visited South Africa for the Soccer , the number of tourists still increased. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=SPEG8Gn6Qxk&feature=relatedSouth Africa can cater for almost every type of tourist: * Business tourism * Cultural Tourism * Eco-tourism * Paleo-tourism * Adventure tourism * Sports tourism Today Tourism is one of the biggest industries in South Africa it even surpassed the Gold exports as the earner of foreign currency. Germany , the UK and North American countries used to make up most of the inbound tourist , but over the past year India and China have increasingly visited South Africa. The department of tourism is investing more into marketing in India and China.There are also a couple of strategies put into place to improve the Tourism market in South Africa as a whole. OUTBOUND TOURISM Since the end of apartheid the majority of the population is no longer oppressed. The people of South Africa no matter what race can get better education and as a result they can also pursue better careers. Since more and more South Africans earned decent salaries they could put more money aside for travelling. Although domestic travel is higher than Outbound Tourism , the number of residents Traveling out of South Africa do increase every year.Another factor contributing to outbound travel is globalization, people are getting more curious about the world and they want to experience different destinations first hand. There are also of course business trips as South African companies grow. Sources http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=WTiml3HNFtY (UNTWO) * http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=SPEG8Gn6Qxk&feature=related * http://www. statssa. gov. za/publications/Report-03-51-02/Report-03-51-022011. pdf * http://www. southafrica. info/travel/tourism-030912. tm#ixzz27Yai8HuF * http://www. southafrica. info/travel/tourism-030912. htm#ixzz27YaTs4rg * http://www. sagoodnews. co. za/tourism/tourist_arrivals_up_3. 3_. html * http://www. info. gov . za/speech/DynamicAction? pageid=461&sid=30329&tid=82144 * http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=Rz4F_InsBeo * http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Foreign_relations_of_South_Africa_during_apartheidhttp://www. mongabay. com/reference/country_studies/south-africa/ECONOMY. html * http://www. euromonitor. com/travel-and-tourism-in-south-africa/report

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Session Long Project: Working on a Negative Letter

Dear Ms. Ambrose, Thank you for allowing me to examine your case.   I went over your files, which you gave in the 5th day of May 2008.   I saw that you are 16 years old, a graduate of high school through tests conducted by the General Education Development (G.E.D.) in February 6, 2007, and has earned 15 semester college hours at the New Jersey City University on the first semester of S.Y. 2007-2008.   It is also indicated here, in the files that you submitted on May 5, that you scored a good 71 on your Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test, which should earn you the right to enter the U.S. Navy here and then, especially that you are about to turn 17 years old this coming month. When I took your case to the office on the 8th day of this month, the numbers show that, for the enlistment of 2007-2008, G.E.D. graduates have filled up the 5% allowable applicants only this past week or specifically in April 30, 2008.   You have filed your request of application in the 5th of May 2008, but you will still get the chance to file again, since we are always open to applicants who are willing to join and launch an enjoyable career.   We should wait, however, for the next set of enlistments, which should be offered by August 2008.   By then, you should have turned 17 years old, with no reason for not being accepted in the navy. If you want, I can send another application to you once the door is open again for enlistment applicants.   That will only take about 2-3 months from now, which is only a little time, as compared to the vast opportunities that you will be having for the following years ahead.   I am sure that you will have no problems by then, especially if you earn more semester college hours, which you can still take in these three months that you have.   For the meantime, it would be best to wait for the next luck, which should arrive this August.   This can be an opportunity to get better standing, which should reflect well in your upcoming files. Good luck and see you again this August. Sincerely, _________________ SH1 (SW/AW) Jermaine Moore United States Navy Recruiter NRS Bossier City, Louisiana The principles The principles that were used in creating the letter above are mostly from the article of Joel Bowman (2002) of Western Michigan University.   I tried to be as logical and believable as I can be, without getting too formal, so that the reader will feel the concern of the letter writer (although not very emotional).   I tried to indicate that what I was relaying to her was nothing very tragic or sad because another set of enlistments should arrive by the following 2-3 months. The letter mirrored that what was happening was for the best of both the writer and the reader—a win-to-win situation—and even if the applicant’s request for admission has been denied, there are other opportunities in the future, which the writer would be pleased to accompany the reader.   I tried to show that the event was reasonable and legitimate, with the intention of offering the reader some alternatives that might help in her getting accepted in the next opportunity. This is to compensate for the shortcoming, which makes the letter forward-looking (instead of backward-looking), motivational, and not very negative to read.   It makes the reader realize that the letter does not really indicate refusal or rejection but more of a delayed opportunity.   I tried to minimize the impact by trying to point out that the opportunity is not lost but would come again in the months ahead. The parts Following the lecture of Bowman (2002), the letter that was presented is composed of the following: (1) The ‘pace’ portion that, in this letter, dictates the thankfulness of the writer for allowing him to examine the case, as well as the information that the writer has received concerning the case.   (2) The ‘lead’ portion that dictates the major episode that has led the writer to create a letter for the reader, which should include the negative message that is the reason for filing the negative letter.   In this letter, it reflects that G.E.D. applicants were accepted only until April 30, 2008.   (3) The ‘blend outcomes’ portion that changes the angle of the letter from negative to positive; it turns the message from backward-looking to forward-looking.   In this letter, this part says that the reader will get the chance to file again by August of the same year.   Finally, (4) the ‘motivate’ portion, which dictates why the alternative would suit and benefit the reader, with the decision to offer support and promote goodwill; this presents the reason on why the letter is not entirely negative, as it presents more positive opportunities that offer the reader some benefits. References Bowman, J. (2002). Writing negative messages. Business communication: managing information and relationships. Retrieved May 8, 2008, from Joel P. Bowman Homepage: Carroll, A. (2004). Letters†¦ we get stacks of letters and business notes. Retrieved May 8, 2008, from Dr. Jay’s Write Homepage: Sittenfeld, C. (1999, March). Good ways to deliver bad news. Fast Company Magazine, 23. Retrieved May 8, 2008, from database:         

Monday, July 29, 2019

Retribution for Slaves Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Retribution for Slaves - Essay Example Nonetheless, the discussion in this paper focuses on retributions for the descendants of historic slavery, since it is held and debated more frequently. Historic slaves in the U.S. performed instinctive labor with no pay, which is against human rights. They were, therefore, at liberty to reparation and, since they are deceased, the money must go to their offspring. The idea does not stop to be correct in due course—legitimacy and justice do not terminating dates. The most significant idea is to ascertain whether the principle of retribution is right. A retribution court case against the United States treasury department was discharged in 1915, but later in 1920s reparation was made a section of Black Nationalist program by Marcus Garvey. The current discussion over retribution was intensified by Randall Robinson’s publication called â€Å"The Debt.† According to Robinson (17), the worth of slave labor for more than 246 years of American historic slavery is more t han trillions of dollars. He illustrated that slaves historic slaves were responsible for the picking and processing of cotton that fueled trade and industry in the United States. Thus, there is the need for the state to establish autonomous community trust kitties that could dispense money into the communities of slave descendants to fund black-owned industries and finance education programs in these regions. Various professionals such as Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard Law School and various lawyers joined hands to form the Reparations Coordinating Committee. The committee’s mandate has been to sue the U.S. firms that supposedly gained from slavery in the 19th century. Many opponents of slave retributions argue that the entire populations of past slaves are deceased and that their descendants are not warranted to get reparations for the loss of their ancestors. This is somewhat different compared to the U.S. administration’s compensations of living Japanese Ame ricans as a result of detention during the WW II. Since these victims were compensated for their losses, the descendants of historic slaves are warranted to demand reparation from the government. There is no need to quantify the number of individuals that suffered, since all suffered similar gross humiliation of being deprived of their freedom. Assertions regarding the alleged gains of slavery and the slave trade for the victims are provisional and insulting, laid down against the great distress the descendants of African-American experienced. Besides being a territory of great opportunity, the U.S. continued to repress people of African-American origin for many years after the official end to slavery. Even in the current American society, African-American constitutes the largest population of poor social group. According to Winbush (213), retributions to the descendants of slavery through financial support will not to specific individuals, therefore; eradicating the practical probl ems of recognizing claimants. Slavery along with several years of oppression and prejudice after the Civil War directly injured the descendants of African-Americans still alive today. It is well understood that U.S. administration is a continuing institution that is liable for its deeds, whether or not people were there at the instance of the acts in question. Thus, whereas financial support is vital, the demand for reparation will promote the process of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9

Marketing - Assignment Example The provisions of an exclusive distributor agreement generally stipulate that the wholesaler/distributor/dealer or retailer would deal exclusively with the supplier’s products (Meese, 2005). Such agreements may also limit the geographical area where the channel partner can sell the manufacturer’s products. Exclusive dealer agreements help the manufacturers avoid market saturation. By building exclusivity in the contract, the manufacturers bind the channel member and ensure forced loyalty. At the same time, channel conflict is reduced since each member of the distribution channel is aware of the geographical limits where they can operate and sell products. These pacts are also a means for the manufacturers to maintain control over their products. The negative side of exclusive dealer agreements is that they curb the growth of the channel partner. To quite an extent, Evo’s global expansion plans are being thwarted by such agreements. While Evo accepts online orders and ships products worldwide, the retailer has to cancel oversees orders if the brands in question cannot be sold internationally due to contractual obligations. Evo may be able to negotiate better global distribution terms with manufacturers once it achieves massive scale. Retailers like Walmart are able to negotiate better terms with vendors simply because of the sheer volume of their purchase (Yanrong, 2013). Evo has a vast array of products in its repertoire. The retailer sells ski gear, snowboards, skates, bikes, outerwear and related accessories of different brands. It caters to the needs of all active sports enthusiasts. The company has a separate product assortment for men, women and children. Some of the popular brands that Evo sells include Adidas, Anon, Armada, Atomic, Bern, Bullet, Burton, DC, Electric, Element, Freestyle, Full Tilt, Globe, G-Shock, Jones, Matix, Nike, Orange, Patagonia, POC, Reef, Ride, Spy, The North Face, Timberland, Vans, Volcom, and Zeal. The sheer

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cross Cultural Communication & International Management Proposal Essay

Cross Cultural Communication & International Management Proposal - Essay Example Many of these reasons have to do with the goals of the individual. For example, if a person views monetary gain as their main purpose, they may be willing to put ethical issues aside in order to reach their goal with maximum efficiency. They may not pay attention to any code at all, leading to conflict. Existing literature focuses on communication as it is used in leadership and conflict management situations inter-culturally. â€Å"Informal conflicts may occur among coworkers, employees and supervisors, with or within between groups, and among departments within an organization. Such conflicts often occur when there are differences in values, beliefs, or opinions regarding how the work gets completed, how resources or tasks are distributed, or where priorities should be† (Montiero, 2003). Further complicating the situation, to put back the international element, what is considered ethically neutral in one country may be totally unethical in another, and vice versa. â€Å"Even if there were widespread cross-cultural agreement on the normative issues of business ethics, corporate ethics management initiatives which are appropriate in one cultural setting still could fail to mesh with the management practices and cultural characteristics of a different setting†¦ multinat ional businesses risk failure in pursuing the ostensible goals of corporate ethics initiatives† (Weaver, 2002). In other words, corporate ethics may be something that is culturally relative. In this fashion, international companies are letting their employees know that ethical behavior is expected of them, and are providing their employees with detailed information regarding ethics and international business. In terms of limitations, the proposed research realizes that it is sometimes difficult to discuss some of the more personal facets of international ethical codes, and it is still more difficult not to confuse them with morality, moral philosophy,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Female Bisexuality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Female Bisexuality - Research Paper Example An article in the New York Times discussed the concept of attraction as it relates to women. According to the article women were not as stimulated by the sight of men without clothes as women. Sensuality is more relevant to sexual arousal than is gender. What women find erotic is not based on the male nude form but the sensuality of the subject matter. Scientists have discussed the nature of attraction for women and have connected it to bisexuality in women. Researcher Meredith Chivers states that for women who are heterosexual â€Å"looking at a naked man walking on the beach is about as exciting as looking at landscapes.† Proving this point, she showed participants in her study landscapes of the Himalayas and naked men doing yoga or tossing stones in the ocean. Both sets of footage had the same response, but women doing calisthenics in the nude increased blood flow at a significant rate. The discussion in the article sought to explain how bisexual behavior has become a more common experience in female interactions. Newman (2008) writes that â€Å"Dr. Chivers’ work adds to a growing body of scientific evidence that places female sexuality along a continuum between heterosexuality and homosexuality, rather than as an either-or phenomenon†. Josephine Decker who directed a documentary called â€Å"Bi the Way† about the frequency of bisexual behavior in women states that women are more fluid in their sexuality. In contrast, when men who were identifying themselves as bisexual were given the same type of test by Dr. Chivers it was determined that they were more attracted to naked men than women. This suggests that there is a distinct difference between the way in which women and men are aroused from a visual perspective and that the concept of bisexual activity is likely founded through different perspectives on arousal. Even though female bisexual be havior is a trend in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Is The World Flat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Is The World Flat - Essay Example This essay stresses that in the Information Age, information becomes power. There is a transfer of information in the world, from Western locations, such as the United States of America and the European Union, to Asian ones like China and India. Most notably, China has been a much preferred place to outsource because of the low cost of labour. Because of this, the many countries are gaining power in the global market, but this does not necessarily create a level playing field. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, China is preferred because it has lower cost of labour. Thomas Friedman mentioned that â€Å"entrepreneurs and CEOs were responding to the flattening of the world.† However, by moving to China, it is not necessarily the flattening of the world that they are thinking about but simply practicality in the face of economic crisis. There must be some misunderstanding when people say the world is becoming flatter to mean that everyone has equal opportunity for work or in come. The previous illustration should have dispelled that mistaken notion. Companies will more often than not choose and develop three inexperienced but cheap labourers than pay more for one experienced person to do the same job. This paper makes a conclusion that health care and education should be improved. Health care ensures that employees can continue working and education ensures that people can find creative-type jobs in the future, if ever governments decide to ship grunt-type jobs out of the country.

IPE Reflection Account Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

IPE Reflection Account - Essay Example Next was the egg experiment wherein nobody wanted to take on the position of leadership and the group did not have enough team work to support one another, so our experiment failed. We also watched videos of people from different professions helping in emergency cases and this made me realize how everyone can contribute to one’s healing no matter what profession he belongs to. Feelings: I think it was good to be able to listen to the views of other professionals as I learned more about their fields and how they view communication. I also learned about communication barriers such as having a handicap like blindness or deafness and how that disabled person would really find it challenging to communicate his feelings, thoughts and ideas to others. I found the IPE sessions very enriching and fun, not to mention, an opportunity to meet other people from different professions that I may someday work with. I learned so much about the importance of communication and team work and know that the exercises will greatly impact how I would regard these two concepts as I practice my profession with other professionals. Evaluation: In the Communication Workshop, the various kinds of communication we brainstormed on were overwhelming. It is not limited to just speaking and listening, reading or writing, but now includes a host of other communication forms and media. However, in health services, most communication is limited to face-to-face since health professionals are in close contact with their patients/ clients, and with other professionals from different fields. Health care professionals need to see their clients in person to determine what the physical symptoms manifested by the patients/clients may mean. In my own group in the IPE, we kept on suggesting ways to solve the problem given to us, but since we were not so familiar with each other yet, we were

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Exploring how Japanese managers adapt in the United States Essay

Exploring how Japanese managers adapt in the United States - Essay Example This in turn makes the organizations to send their local professionals to foreign countries. This however happens most of the time. In order to survive in a foreign country, one of the things that will make it easy for you is to understand the culture of your host country. This enables smooth and effective communication. In understanding the culture of that given country, the most important thing that the Japanese learn is in particular what each society and what they display mean. Cultural adaptations should be on the key front when these manager of organizations decide that they are to send their employees to work in a foreign country (Hoecklin 1995). By implementing a moderate level of cultural adaptation in main settings, professionals create more effectual business relationships, in that way furthering tactical corporate goals. Globalization generates new business opportunities for multinational corporations (MNCs) These MNCs increasingly employ expatriation approaches to make t heir entrance in to markets that are new easy and to administer their coworkers. As much as the responsibility of the worker who is sent to a foreign country is very important, the strategy in which they adapt in is surrounded with a lot of danger. Additionally, the emigre also posses multiple risks for instance if their result outcome is low, this leads to major financial hitches to the organization. (Hodgetts 2005). Many expletory studies of how Japanese emigres become accustomed to working in the United States after a while have been conducted at length. The final results recommend that the managers of Japanese origin adapt ways that are way above their normal concrete and vigor in their stay in the United States. It is also to be noted that the bigger the group of emigres, the... For managers to be effectual in becoming accustomed to their know-how and practices in an overseas country, it is clear that they must have fine technical knowledge in management, excellent understanding of local culture that is culture-specific knowledge in addition to high-quality cross-cultural communications abilities. even though it may be fair to presume that all à ©migrà © managers sent abroad have to necessarily be technically capable which may differ in some cases, it should be comprehended that being able to function well in one’s own culture does not automatically imply that one can do well in a different culture. This possibly will not just be due to the lack of cultural knowledge. To be efficient as a manager in one’s own culture does not usually necessitate one to question lots of the cultural suppositions behind one’s actions or to recognize the cause’s actions, whether they are technically necessary or culturally pleasing to attain good outcomes. To be able to transplant management or technical processes in a different culture, or to expand such processes from zero or from accessible local processes, would necessitate one to question many essential suppositions and to set up the fresh premises based on fine perceptive of in cooperation technical and cultural requirements. It is this final feature of technical capability, which is often tricky to identify. Though, such competence are most probably there in people who are inventive in their own culture, such as those who are capable of setting up novel processes and systems to manage with environmental changes at home and to augment organizational efficiency otherwise, such capability could also be found in people who have already a triumphant track record in cross-cultural management.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Economic in Society Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Economic in Society - Case Study Example This time the customer would think again and again before buying the medicine. On the other hand, due to much improved drug's quality, the pharmaceutical companies would have to do some more investment and also there is a possibility that they would outsource or even import the foreign material for usage, which means that they now would have to make the foreign payments resulting in a lot of local currency going out of the money cycle. The possibility is again that the country would get a bit unstable and if someone who would then be responsible to keep the country's economy stable then it is the people living there. People would now be forced to take any measures to buy those medicines that are at least prescribed by the doctors for serious patents. India although have controlled their growth rate but the deceases are growing commonly in the South-east Asia, and this is the part by which the Indian planners might have thought about increasing the prices and to bring much of the currency from the savers to the deficit spending units. India is basically a poor country, the average income t... als being operated there and if they would now be asked to product fine quality medicines that are just having their own name and are according to the international standards, then it does require India to invest even more in bringing those structures and processes that could make the international standard products. The documentation work would also be their and the overall investment would be far more that companies would merely have a breakeven point within even 5 years. The decision taken by the Indian government might just be in relation to their modernization but it has got no real concerns as the majority in India is yet living below poverty line. The question which is related to the people around the world getting deprived to use the cheap drugs might not be as valid as the people living in India would be deprived to use the cheap drugs. The simple answer to that is due to the much poor outcome of any such strategy, the global companies manufacturing patented material would c riticize any such law and so the law enforcing governments would move against any such law. After all, human life has got more value than any of the law and the concerns are directly related to the saving of human life and not the cheaper drugs. Since in that case, the majority of people would not even be able to use the drugs, then they cannot expect to live longer and there when the problem arises causing human lives. Lets talk about the real world case in which the demand is never equal to supply. Always there would be greater deviations in the market and somehow both, supply and demand would get disturbed, of course it is unintentional but that is inevitable as a consequence of which we have to keep the constraints and solutions in mind. Imagine if the world is consuming what has been

Monday, July 22, 2019

Belonging Speech Essay Example for Free

Belonging Speech Essay To me belonging is a sense of enlightenment felt when an individual gains an understanding of themselves in relation to others and the wider world. To actually feel as if we belong, we must first accept ourselves and be accepted by others. A real sense of belonging can be determined by self-acceptance and acceptance by a group. However, when difficult situations are experienced, an individual may gain a sense of belonging through self-acceptance alone. This is clearly represented in the novel, ‘The Passage’, written by Justin Cronin, the poem, ‘St. Patricks College’, composed by Peter Skrzynecki and the film, ‘The Perks Of Being A Wallflower’ directed by Stephen Chbosky. These three texts clearly reflect how one would belong through self-acceptance. ‘The Passage’ is a post-apocalyptic thriller about an ancient vampiric disease that destroys society and leaves only a handful of people alive including Amy, the protagonist, who incidentally holds the key to the survival of the human race. The main protagonist, Amy, with specific reference to chapter 23, is travelling the apocalyptic landscape of America where she gains a certain self-acceptance due to the difficult situation that she is dealing with. The difficult situation being that Amy is scientifically immortal and has kept to living on her own and ultimately, surviving on her own. Cronin reveals â€Å"It was summer again and she was alone. Alone with no one but the voices she heard, everywhere and all around. † To us, it reveals how alone Amy really is and ultimately how she has come to accept herself for what she is. This revelation of Amy’s has come from the situation she has had to deal with and in a way, grown up with. The situation being that the world has ended, she is immortal and she has no one to belong with. Due to the difficult situation that Amy is in she has had to draw her own sense of belonging from herself as opposed to feeling as if she belongs with other people. For Skrzynecki in ‘St. Patricks College’ he has had to accept himself, like Amy, though a difficult situation is faced he has still been able to feel a sense of belonging with himself. Skrzynecki feels â€Å"Like a foreign tourist,† whenever he attends St. Patricks College or whenever he is among others who attend St. Patricks College. This highlights the feelings of Skrzynecki and how he as an individual feels as though he does not belong with them. Skrzynecki even reveals that he is â€Å"Uncertain of† his â€Å"destination†. This yet again implies how much Skrzynecki does not belong at St. Patricks College or in that case with any other student who attends St. Patricks College. Obviously, this situation has forced Skrzynecki to adapt to his surroundings of the College and learn to accept himself to feel the sense of belonging that isn’t really expressed within the text. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower’ is a film set in the early 1990’s and addresses the problems that Charlie, the main character, faces while attending high school after his best friend from middle school had committed suicide only months before hand. For anybody, being a semi-depressed teenager is a difficult situation to be in; Char lie faces this during the entire film all the way up to the very last moments. At the beginning of the film while we hear Charlie’s voice over of him writing his first letter to his â€Å"friend† he talks of alienation from his ex-middle school friends such as Susan. Charlie writes â€Å"I thought maybe my old friend Susan would want to have lunch with me† but because of Charlie’s extremely difficult situation that he is dealing with Susan â€Å"doesn’t like to say hi† to Charlie anymore. The use of voice over in this scene creates a connection between the audience and Charlie and provides sufficient evidence of how alienated Charlie is among his peers. Charlie even admits â€Å"If my English teacher is the only friend I make today, that would be sort of depressing. † This emphasises how alienated Charlie is and how much he doesn’t fit in. Due to this being a difficult circumstance for Charlie he has learnt to belong with himself even though he feels he does not belong with anyone else. In ‘The Passage’, Amy faces her situation head on which in Chapter 23 reveals that, in a way, Amy has been forced to see belonging as an unimportant aspect of her life. This has pushed Amy to accept herself and disregard the need for others. We learn this when Amy is thinking to herself when she thinks â€Å"Are we the all? For I have seen no one, no man or woman, in all the years and years. Is there no I but I? During this moment Amy is feeling a negative connection with the Virals, the vampires, she concludes her thoughts where Cronin writes â€Å"Go now, she thought, and closed her eyes; and when she opened them again she found she was alone. † Cronin pieces together Chapter 23 with finesse and understanding of Amy. He was able to show us two things: the first is that Amy did not want to belong with anyone as she feared for their safety and the second was that even though we must be accepted by others to belong, we are able to belong if we are to accept ourselves if we are involved with a difficult situation. For Skrzynecki in ‘St. Patricks College’ he also finds belonging an unimportant aspect of his life while he attends the College. This might not be as bad as Amy’s situation but to Skrzynecki it is still daunting. Skrzynecki â€Å"†¦ stuck pine needles Into the motto On my breast. † This shows the lack of caring for the motto and in turn the College. As Skrzynecki doesn’t really care for the College belonging obviously does not matter as much as Charlie from ‘The Perks Of Being A Wallflower’ wants to belong. For Skrzynecki saying, â€Å"The Lord’s Prayer In Latin, all in one breath† was a feat clearly showing his disregard for the significance of The Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is clearly connected to the College for religious reasons and because Skrzynecki misses the significance of the prayer it proves that Skrzynecki didn’t want to necessarily belong. Due to Skrzynecki being alone and feeling excluded from the college he has had to rely on his own self-acceptance to feel his own sense of belonging. ‘The Perks Of Being A Wallflower’ is a film where the main theme is belonging. Charlie reflects just that and begins to accept the fact that he is a â€Å"wallflower† and feels a sense of belonging with himself. Aside from this, Charlie wants to feel included, he wants to belong and eventually he feels that with Sam and Patrick. At Charlie’s first party Patrick makes a toast to Charlie of which Charlie questions with â€Å"what did I do? † where Patrick responds â€Å"you didn’t do anything, we just wanted to toast our new friend† this conveys a sense of belonging among the audience as well as Charlie and the other characters. This is different from Amy in ‘The Passage’ and Skrzynecki in ‘St. Patricks College’ because they do not want to belong or don’t feel the need to whereas Charlie wants to belong and wants to fit in. Accompanying this is the use of camera angles. When the camera is facing Charlie it is in a high angle position showing Charlies vulnerability and when it points at Patrick it’s a low angle position demonstrating the importance of Patrick. This is a clear representation of how one would feel a sense of belonging when they are accepted by others as well as how one would feel a sense of belonging when they accept themselves. To feel as if you belong, you must accept yourself and be accepted by others but when dealing with difficult situations you can rely on self-acceptance to feel as if you belong. This is without a doubt clearly represented in ‘The Passage’, ‘St. Patricks College’ and ‘The Perks Of Being A Wallflower’. These three very similar texts all show how a sense of belonging can be determined by self-acceptance and acceptance by a group. However, when difficult situations are experienced, an individual may gain a sense of belonging through self-acceptance alone.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Pixar and Politics; the Hidden Messages of Wall-E

Pixar and Politics; the Hidden Messages of Wall-E This essay will be focusing on the 2008 film Wall-E released by Pixar animation studios. This essay will be reviewing and discussing the political side of the film, as well as looking at any other hidden messages. These include the environmental messages, nostalgia and dystopia. As well as reviewing the film itself to see if there is any pattern forming to link all the elements together. Wall-e was released in 2008 by Disney Pixar studios, and featured voices such as Ben Burtt as Wall-e and Elissa Knight as Eve, it also features Sigourney Weaver. Wall-e is a computer generated animated feature created on Pixar’s own software Renderman. Wall-e is based on a small waste collecting robot who unwillingly embarks on a space journey that decides the fate of mankind. Wall-E stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter- Earth class, and Eve stands for Extra-terrestrial Vegetative Extractor. In a not so distant future, mankind has left earth because of the state it has become. Completely over run by rubbish that towers over the tallest skyscraper, all the rubbish seems to be the product of a multi-million dollar company, Buy N’ Large. One robot has been left behind to clean up the mess, Wall-E, one of the last living things on the planet, as well as his pet, a cockroach. Wall-E is infatuated with the objects left behind by people, enriched with mankind’s history and a tape of show tunes he found. One day he follows a light hoping to add it to his collection, unbeknownst to him, its actually part of the landing process for a ship carrying the Eve probe. Eve has been sent to find evidence of life being sustainable once again on earth. Wall-E falls in love with Eve, and rescues her from a dust storm, and takes her back to where he lives. He shows Eve all of his trinkets, including his latest find, a plant. This plant is what Eve has gone to earth for, she take s the plant from Wall-E and then shuts down, with just a green plant symbol on her front blinking. Wall-E isn’t sure what has happened to her, and thinks that her battery could just be running low, so he takes her outside to charge in the sun, and makes many attempts to wake her up. When that fails he protects her from the various weather conditions, until the ship comes back to retrieve her. Something Wall-E didn’t expect, so he hitches a ride on the back of the ship, to the axiom. The axiom is the space cruise ship that is carrying all the people of earth who evacuated over 700 years ago; they were only supposed to be aboard for 5 years whilst the robots cleaned up the planet. The people of earth are all living a secluded life, never walking anywhere, constantly in their floating chairs, which give them full access to TV and social networking. They never eat solid foods, they drink it all from a cup and a straw, and they’ve all become overweight due to bone lo ss, and lack of exercise. Any exercise they do is done through a robot that they control on their screens. When Eve manages to bring the plant back to the pilot, the auto pilot, who’s acting upon instructions given to him 700 years ago, stages a mutiny, so that nobody will be able to return to earth. It’s with the help of Wall-E that the people aboard the axiom realise that they need to go back to earth to save it an end the â€Å"5 year cruise†. In the book ‘The films of Pixar animation studio’ they point out that the film looks at â€Å"what it is to be human† this is because in the film Wall-E, all the humans that left earth are now â€Å"surviving† on the axiom, which is a space cruise ship used as a home for the rest of humankind. All the people aboard the axiom however seem to be living a secluded life, they never interact with anybody face to face, or walk anywhere, and they are constantly eating fast food. They live such a secluded life that when they are introduced to a new colour for their suits, as to which it says â€Å"try blue, it’s the new red† and they all happily change into it. None of the people aboard the axiom really start to pay attention until Wall-E arrives; he accidentally knocks someone off of their chair and then introduces himself to them, giving them their first face to face interaction. He later does it again when he switches off a woman’s screen on her chair, and again introduces himself to her. Pixar make a point of showing that is Wall-E that is the one who shows both us the audience and the people aboard the axiom, what it is to be human, through his love for Eve and his sacrifice for her mission. He’s the one who opens the captain’s eyes with regards to earth and saving it. Wall-E is distinctive for being the Pixar film with the longest sustained stretch without dialogue. There is very little spoken in the film, until Wall-E and Eve introduce themselves to one another, but even then the majority of the dialogue isn’t used until later on in the film when they’re aboard the axiom. Although the less dialogue presented in a film, the stronger it might be, the film or message could be made a lot clearer by the use of silence, or the lack of dialogue. So it’s not stuck with the ordinariness of realistic dialogue and free of any barriers that accompany spoken language. The images used in the films, if used in the correct context have a way of presenting them universality†¦ Critical to the realisation of Wall-E was a powerful emphasis on its soundtrack. This helped to move the story along and helped the viewer feel the emotions that were necessary. In the film Wall-E they feature two songs from Hello, Dolly! (Gene Kelly, 1969) these are ‘Put on your Sunday clothes’ and ‘It only takes a minute’ to help reiterate Wall-E’s feelings towards Eve, and it’s used at other moments when Wall-E really wants to hold Eves hand. Then at the end of the film, after Eve has repaired Wall-E and he no longer remembers who he is, or anything that has happened to him. Eve plays the song that he’s recorded ‘It only takes a minute’ hoping it will wake him up, but it doesn’t, only her kiss manages to spark him back awake. There is very little dialogue in these scenes so the soundtrack helps to emphasise everything that’s happening. In the book ‘The films of Pixar animation studio’ written by James Clarke there is a quote taken from Burtt, of his work on the film Wall-E and it reads: ‘The problem does go back, for me, to the sort of primal R2-D2 idea, which is how do you have a character not speak words, or in the case of Wall-E, just very few words, but you understand what is going on in their head and they also seem to have a depth of character. So it is a matter of that relationship, how much electronic, how much human, and you sway back and forth to create the different sounds.’(who?) This quote allows you to think about the sound mentioned earlier on for Wall-E, because Wall-E needs to be relatable to the audience, and he is unable to show facial expressions due to only having eyes on his head. So the creators of Wall-E used R2-D2 from the Star Wars trilogy as a reference for sound to better communicate with the audience. During the past few years a lot of studios have released animated films that have an important message that they want to put across. An example of two are The Simpsons (2007) and Happy Feet (2006), both of which have a similar environmental message as Wall-E, their sometimes post-modern stories are told through either a modern or an orthodox aesthetic, which is the case with most Disney films. Pixar on the other hand, try to overstep the modern in both narrative and form, completely changing the modern technologies and aesthetics in which animated film is based, which is why Wall-E works so well, it’s different to what people have seen. In the book That’s all folks? Eco critical readings of American animated features written by Robin J. Murray and Joseph K. Heumann, it starts to mention that Wall-E revolves around nostalgia and dystopia, and that the opening of the film has two conflicting images, of the planet earth, this is down to the Hello, Dolly! (1969) music and the scenes of exploring space, allowing viewers to romanticise and feel happy about what they’re seeing, until it changes to the view of earth, the music still plays, and eventually changes to a ghost like echo to match the emptiness of a ghost like earth. When the camera is showing all the nice parts of space, you assume that earth will be in the same region, instead when the camera pans across, you see a very brown looking earth surrounded by what first seems like rocks. Until it zooms in and you realise it’s actually Buy N’ Large satellites, and as the camera starts to give you a tour you realise that the world is in fact an environmentally degraded version of the world we know. The whole seen is a witty juxtaposition, due to the fan-fare like music and the opposite being shown to the audience. This all makes the opening credits of Wall-E nostalgic, because of the romantic feeling at the start, to the dystopic as the camera views earth, highlighting the films two main themes. The two different visions of earth introduce the ideologies surrounding the films expression, those of Disney and Pixar studios shows the approaches to ecology forming the films story: human ecology that encourages conservation and organismic ecology demonstrating the need for mutual dependence. [Reword next part in book] In the animated films Finding Nemo (2003), Wall-E (2008) and A Bugs Life (1998), nature and environment become the primary focus of the films, and take centre stage. A Bugs Life (1998) follows flick, a worker ant who attempts to save his ant colony from the human like grasshoppers, as noted in the book That’s All Folks? Ecocritical readings of American Animated Features Murray and Heumann the writers of the book then go on to say about Finding Nemo (2003) and how it looks at human intervention from under the sea, because of the diver taking Nemo, due to Nemo panicking the diver thought that Nemo was in trouble, so in turn thought he was rescuing him, when in fact it was the opposite. Wall-E examines environmental exploitation on both the earth’s surface, and on board the axiom, which is the ship that mankind is now â€Å"surviving† on. These three films reiterate the philosophies that Pixar have. Murray and Heumann go on to speak about how Wall-E illustrates other values, such as â€Å"Romantic devotion and monogamy† and â€Å"hard work, faithfulness to duty† along with denigrating â€Å"passive independency† all of which seem to be drawn from a Disney score card and appeal to both liberal and conservative audiences. They then go onto quote Neal Gabler (Find reference) who says that he ‘sees Disney animation providing a space in which Disney and his viewers â€Å"would ultimately find nurturance, love, independence and authority†.’ Murray and Heumann then begin to discuss the political views of Wall-E, although there are conflicting politics behind the reviews for Wall-E, it still appeals to both liberal and conservative audiences. Liberal viewers are drawn to the obvious environmental message that the film puts across based on â€Å"its initial critique of over consumption and the capitalist economy that perpetuate the humans cruise above the planet.† The conservative viewers feel that the film was able to put across healthy values such as conservatism. Heumann and Murray then look at one conservative Christians views, taken from The Los Angeles Times, Charlotte Allen, a reviewer for Wall-E says: ‘If Wall-E is didactic, what it has to teach is profoundly conservative. For starters, the film never even goes near the climate- crusading vocabulary of ‘global warming’, ‘carbon footprints’, or even ‘green’.’(who?) Instead Allen suggests that ‘The crime of how humans vacate earth isn’t failure to drive a Prius but strewing detritus’ she sees this as a crime with regards to conservatism, Allen claims ‘Conservatives detest litterbugs and other parasites who expect others to clean up after them. Wall-E champions hard work, faithfulness to duty and the fact that even a dreary job like garbage collecting can be meaningful and fulfilling. The film isn’t denigrating consumerism but passive dependency. The film celebrates western civilisation.’ (Who?) In an article written by Rod Dreher, there is a point he makes about the political side of Wall-E, where he says that Wall-E goes much deeper than contemporary politics. Dreher then points out that the film Wall-E is a traditionalist conservative, but it’s also Aristotelian, agrarian, a critique of modernity, and the fate of man under consumerist technology. Dreher goes on to give examples, with Buy N’ Large there isn’t anything that they don’t do; they have sophisticated technology that carries the human race through space. They developed floating chairs that carries all the overweight people around, feeds them and raises their children, teaching the children propaganda to further advance BNL’s interests. Dreher looks at the political use inside the film instead of the political message the film gives to the audience. He looks at the political ideas of the company Buy N’ Large and they’re planting ideas into people’s heads by s atisfying their needs, and because it’s been 700 years, the people aboard the axiom have no memory of their past, so have no desire to change, which is something Wall-E and Eve threaten to destroy with the plant. Dreher then speaks about how Wall-E ‘Contends that what makes us fully human is cultivating our own deepest nature by working, and working together, in a stunningly iconic image at the films end, the tree of life on the new earth grows out of an old work boot. Humanity renews the face of the earth through its own labour, by people taking responsibility for them instead of being passive consumers coddled by the corporate welfare state.’ Dreher then quotes Francis Bacon who declared that the appropriate end of politics is â€Å"the conquest of nature for the relief of man’s estate.† Murray and Heumann go on to speak about how Wall-E seems to have ‘the most powerfully environmental statement made by Disney and Pixar studios’ they then mention how mankind was supposed to protect the earth and its resources, but instead they left it all behind by moving onto a spaceship, which means that they can no longer effectively preserve humankind. Instead mankind are only surviving as a species because they are artificially sustained and separate from the world and its natural resources it destroyed until wall-e intervened. Like other recent films, wall-e draws on nostalgia to strengthen its argument. In an integration of hominoid and organismic approaches to ecology, Wall-E proclaims not only that mankind has ruined earth but that the people aboard the axiom- with the help of wall-e, who was left to clean up the planet- can and should return it to its more natural state. Wall-E uses three types of nostalgia to support its environmental message. These three types of nostalgia show images of nature as a collective and an individual eco memory, which explored Wall-E’s progression from tragic to witty environmental hero. Murray and Heumann begin to look at how nostalgia is used in the film Wall-E, they begin speaking about the ways that nostalgia is established, at the start of the film Wall-E ‘projects human artefacts through a sentimental and nostalgic lens.’ The film then goes on to show the ‘innocence and heterosexual romance of main street USA’ which are shown in clips and music from Gene Kelly’s Hello, Dolly! (1969) as well as homages to other films and melodies. We are first introduced to nostalgia in Wall-E when the film shows Wall-E collecting â€Å"cultural artefacts† from the scrap mountains during his work day. Murray and Heumann then go on to give an example of the nostalgia presented, by saying â€Å"Wall-E is built for clean-up, collecting and compacting garbage to build a new cityscape made of rubbish bricks. He is alone with only a cockroach as a companion. The vacant Buy N’ Large shops, banks and train line they pass demonstrate a loneliness reinforced by the motionless piles of robots like himself along the road, the dead Wall-E’s. Wall-E is the sole survivor in this vacant city, and he uses their parts to repair himself.† (Who?) Wall-E creates a story of environmental adaption that offers a space for narrative and a broader vision of humanity, which includes the humanoid robots that teach them a better way. In order to build this story the film follows a three act story revolving around nature and showing versions of nostalgia that evolve from being lonely to becoming shared or as Murray and Heumann said ‘from the solitary to the communal’. The first act is showing how earth is an inhospitable place for any person or any other living thing to survive except for some insects and microbes, like cockroaches. The second act is leaving the planet on an ‘evolutionary journey’ and third and final act is returning to earth to transform it back to its original glory and make it into an inhabitable home once more. [Conclusion] 1

Research Strategy of Service Quality Assessment

Research Strategy of Service Quality Assessment Methodology: For this study survey, strategy will be used in order to collect data. Survey researchers are quite distinct from the general surveys conducted for different purposes, including marketing survey. According to Tanur(1982) surveys are generally meant of collecting data related to characteristics, actions, or opinions of a large group of people, referred to as a population. The surveys conducted for research purposes are focused on advancement of knowledge within a specific domain. Research survey data can be collected through different methods, including interviews, questionnaires and observations. In terms of questionnaires, the data can be collected either through open-ended questions in which participants need to provide details answer or closed questions in which participants need to provide select single or multiple answers from the choice of answers. According to Groves et al. (2013) survey data will be biased if the process of the survey is not properly followed, which includes designing, writing, collecting and analysing sub-processes. Figure 1 presents the typical data collection process as describe by Groves et al.(2013)   Ã‚   Figure 1: A survey from process prospective (Groves et. al. 2013,pp.149) For the research survey, strategy will be used and data will be collected through set of questionnaires which respondent will be able to complete themselves. The reason for using questioner as data collection method was because, firstly, this research is using survey strategy and according to Saunders et al. (2012) questioner is one of the most widely used data collection methods within survey strategy. Secondly, since this research will be providing the closed answers which will be used for quantitative data analysis, therefore, questionnaire data collection method is more suited for this research. In terms of sampling, since its pilot data collection and research is focused on general consumer perception about the service delivery and expected quality evaluated through the prism of culture, therefore, as describe by Saunders et al. (2012) probability based sampling technique will be used to identify a group from population for data collection. For quality of data, research has applied stratified random sampling by using the one attribute that has the basic level of experience in terms of service delivery from the population. The validity or according to Saunders et al. (2012) content validity, questions in a survey provide adequate representation for research questions. As describe by Saunders et al. (2012) validity of the content can be evaluated through literature review, which has been provided for this research. For the reliability and consistency in response to the questionnaire, the research is confined to only closed questions with multiple-choice single selection answe rs, and questions are all design using simple language. The questions on the survey are design based upon the research questions, and all the questions in the survey are closed question that is multiple-choice single selection in order to collect consistent data. The order and flow of the questions are carefully design to avoid confusion and misinterpretation. Similarly, in order to avoid blank or missed questions the questions are presented on the same page, Please see the Appendix for actual questionnaire in the survey. Although the research is evaluating the research question using qualitative research methodology, but the data collected through a survey is processed by quantitative data analysis. The data collected through a survey is considered to numerical data, and exploratory data analysis(EDA) approach will be used to process it. According to Saunders et al. (2012) EDA approach for data analysis emphasis on using diagrams and tables for understanding and exploring data. Sin ce this is pilot research, therefore, as describe by Saunders et al. (2012) EDA approach is useful for initially stages of the research. Research instrument and data collection: The survey is divided into two sections first section contains demographic questions two get more understandings about the respondent and their classification. The second section contains the statement about the service encounter which participants had to rate using 7-points Likert scale starting from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). Before attempting to rate the statements participants were asked to think of the service they have received from the industries like banks, retail, etc. and use the experience to rate the statements. The survey is conducted electronically by creating the questionnaire on a free online survey conducting website which provides functionality to share a link to the survey. The link to the survey is shared through email and also via different electronic forums, The data collected through the survey is analysed and evaluated after downloading it from the website. Sample data comprised of two sources that is the student of universities and colleges. A total of hundred responses was received out of several hundred survey requests. As the research aims to analyse the effect of culture on customer perception of service, therefore, the sampling framework was clustered into two major group based on their ethnicity that is white and non-white. Population targeted for this research was local consumers living in UK and had received service from industries like banks, retail, etc. in last few months. Participants from the sample are chosen using researchers own intuition and chosen with purpose. (Tellstrom et al., 2006). In order to further evaluate participant demographic information like age and education has also been collected. Measurement: In order to measure a perception of service quality and evolution process, in this SERVQUAL scale will be used, which was developed by Parasuraman et al. (1991). SERQUAL provides 22-items scale, spanning five dimensions (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy), of service quality expectations and, which has been evaluated and validated in numerous studies (Donthu and Yoo, 1998). Although researchers have identified some shortcoming in using SERVQUAL, but the model is most widely referenced and practiced among various industries. The questionnaires in this study were design to capture the customer perceptions of service quality based on five quality dimension of SERVQUAL. For gauging the culture of the survey participant, the study will use the Hofstedes framework of cultural dimensions. Several scholars have proposed alternative frameworks to conceptualize and operational culture to overcome the shortcoming of Hofstedes framework. However, Hofstedes framework is still the most widely used cultural framework in different fields of study, including psychology, sociology, marketing, or management (Soares et al., 2007). The research has used the approach of grouping the participant according to their individual scores on Hofstedes cultural dimension scale resulting in better understanding the role of culture in shaping service perception (Guesalaga et al ., 2016). The survey has been conducted within UK, and participants predominantly belong to western culture but some of the participant involved has a different culture which can give better understand of cultural effect on service quality perception. References Guesalaga, R.; Pierce, M. and Scaraboto, D. (2016), Cultural influences on expectations and evaluations of service quality in emerging markets, International Marketing Review, 33(1), pp. 88-111 Parasuraman, A.; Berry, L. and Zeithaml, V.A. (1991), Refinement and reassessment of the SERVQUAL scale, Journal of Retailing, .67(4), pp. 420-450. Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2012) Research methods for business students. 6th edn. Harlow: Pearson. Tanur, J.M.(1982) Advances in methods for large-scale surveys and experiments, in R. Mcadams, N.J. Smelser, D.J. Treiman (eds.), Behavioral and Social Science Research: A National Resource, Part II. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Groves,R. M., Fowler, F.J., Couper, M.P. Jr., Lepkowski, J. M., Singer, E. and Tourangeau, R. (2013), Survey Methodology, First Edition,John Wiley Sons Donthu, N. and Yoo, B. (1998),Cultural Influences on Service Quality Expectations, Journal of Service Research,1(2), pp.178-186 Soares, A. M.; Farhangmehr, M. and Shoham, A. (2007), Hofstedes dimensions of culture in international marketing studies, Journal of Business Research, 60, pp. 277 284

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Which heroine do you prefer and how do events throughout the books :: Free Essay Writer

Which heroine do you prefer and how do events throughout the books affect your opinion of them - Bridget Jones and Emma. Which heroine do you prefer and how do events throughout the books affect your opinion of them. The two heroines, Bridget Jones and Emma are obviously quite different in their attitudes to love and society as a whole. However, I think that in ways they are both likeable characters. The events that occur through the novels have an effect on the reader's opinions of the heroines and can weaken or strengthen these opinions. Austen and Fielding both use humour in the books well which is probably why the heroines are both seen as being comical at times or as is the case in 'Bridget Jones' Diary', more often than not. In Jane Austen's novel 'Emma', the heroine Emma is introduced to the reader at the very beginning of chapter 1. We instantly form an opinion of Emma as she is described as, "handsome, clever and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition and had lived nearly twenty-one years with very little to distress or vex her." The reader forms an opinion that Emma has a pampered lifestyle. We also learn she is a keen matchmaker and brought together her governess Miss Taylor with Mr Weston. I think the reader would perceive Emma to be very interested in her friend's lives and perhaps even a little meddling in them. The reader is also informed of 'the real evils of Emma' being "the power of having rather too much her own way, and a disposition too think a little too well of herself". I think that the reader would not particularly like Emma because she seems to be too self-assured and interested in other people's business at this stage. However, the reader is often told of Emma as being a compassionate character by the way she talks about Mr Weston, but this could also be viewed as quite patronising as well, "Mr Weston is such a good-humoured, pleasant, excellent man, that he thoroughly deserves a good wife" I then began to feel that Emma believed the matchmaking was for her friend's benefit and not herself. Although she did speak in patronising way about Mr Weston I do not think Emma realised how often she made it seem that she felt herself superior to her friends by patronising them. Emma could also be described as naÃÆ'Â ¯ve or foolish. She often involves herself too much in the lives of other and consequently tries to force relationships that were never meant to be, such as that between Mr Elton and Harriet Smith.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Scarface - The Greatest Movie of All Time Essay -- essays research pap

The Greatest Movie Ever Made   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perhaps the best movie to ever bless the eyes of any American is the 1983 Brian DePalma gangster movie classic, Scarface. Scarface is the tale of Tony Montana and his journey through his new life in America in the early 80’s Cuban immigrant movement. The movie depicts the American dream, to be successful, perfectly. Scarface and its main star, Al Pacino, also shows movie watchers in detail, the process of going from â€Å"rags-to-riches† since that is what he did in the feature. Lastly, Scarface is perhaps the best movie to ever be made because it basically contains all the characteristics that are that of a great movie.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, Scarface is one of the greatest feature films ever because it illustrates the American dream perfectly, which is to be successful. This story goes in to detail on what some people are willing to do in chase of the American dream. Tony Montana or Scarface was a man who knew what he wanted, but did not have the patience to get it honorably. This description fits many of today's Americans. The fact that so many people can relate to this obsession with obtaining the American dream, is the reason this movie is considered a classic. Though the way he achieved this dream was not honorable and honest, Montana, through illegal means, became very successful at what he did. This movie, perhaps better than Wallstreet (1987), New Jack City (19...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Molieres Tartuffe - The Character of Tartuffe :: Tartuffe Essays

The Character of Tartuffe      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moliere's neoclassic comedy, Tartuffe, is a prime example of his expertise in the comedic technique. The plot is one that keeps the reader or viewer interested and aware. It begins with Madame Pernell visiting her son's house and reprimanding all of them but their boarder, Tartuffe. She believes Tartuffe is a man of astounding character. The members of the house, however, disagree and say that Tartuffe is deceitful and a fraud. After Madam Pernell leaves, Dorine and Cleante, the maid and the brother-in-law of the main character, Orgon, discuss Tartuffe and both agree that he has captivated Orgon. Damis, Orgon's son, wonders whether his father will allow Mariane, Orgon's daughter, to marry Valere, who she is in love with, because Damis is in love with Valere's sister.    Orgon comes and tells Mariane that he wants her to marry Tartuffe instead of Valere because he wants to ally Tartuffe to his house. She is so shocked that she does not say anything. Cleante tries to tell Orgon about Tartuffe's misleading personality, but Orgon does not want to hear it. Valere finds out about this proposed marriage, and Dorine promises to help Mariane and Cleante expose Tartuffe for the hypocrite he is. Meanwhile, Damis has a plan to hide in a closet to try to expose Tartuffe's hypocrisy. He hears Tartuffe profess love to Elmire, Orgon's wife, and suggests that they become lovers. Damis comes from the closet and threatens to tell Orgon what he has said. Damis then tells Orgon, and Orgon is so blind to the truth, that he believes his own son is evil and disinherits him. Later, when Orgon and Tartuffe are alone, Orgon tells Tartuffe of his plans to make him his sole inheritor and his son-in-law. After this, Cleante tries to talk to Orgon about Tartuffe and he confronts Tartuffe in front of Orgon. Tartuffe just dodges the questions, though, and leaves as soon as possible. Elmire then convinces Orgon to hide and find out for himself about Tartuffe, so he does so. Tartuffe comes to see Elmire and once again professes his love. Orgon hears it all, comes from the closet, and bans Tartuffe from his house. Orgon, however, has already signed over his house to Tartuffe and Tartuffe threatens him with this. Orgon is afraid because he has given Tartuffe some secret papers that could ruin his position in the court.

Absolute Time Essay

Instructions (Q 7-Q 16): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. â€Å"Life is not just party and pleasure; it is also pain and despair. Unthinkable things happen. Sometimes everything turns upside down. Bad things happen to good people. Some things are beyond control, such as physical disability and birth defects. We cannot choose our parents or the circumstances of our birth. So if the ball bounced that way, sorry. But what do we do from here; cry or take the ball and run? That is a choice we have to make. On a clear day, there are hundreds of boats sailing in all different directions in a lake. How come? Even though the wind is blowing in one direction, the sailboats are going in different directions. What is the difference? It depends on the way the sail is set, and that is determined by the sailor. The same is true of our lives. We can’t choose the direction of the wind, but we can choose how we set the sail. We can choose our attitude even though we cannot always choose our circumstances. The choice is either to act like a victor or a victim. It is not our position but our disposition that determines our destiny. It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow. Our lives are no different. There is happiness and sorrow. There is the good and the bad; dark and bright spots. If we can handle adversity, it only strengthens us. We cannot control all the events that happen in our lives, but we can control how we deal with them. Richard Blechnyden wanted to promote Indian tea at the St. Louis World fair in 1904. It was very hot and no one wanted to sample his tea. Blechnyden saw that all the other iced drinks were doing flourishing business. It dawned on him to make his tea into an iced drink, mix in sugar and sell it. He did and people loved it. That was the introduction of iced tea to the world. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, we can react responsibly or resentfully. Human beings are not like an action which has no choice. An action cannot decide whether to become a giant tree or to become food for the squirrels. Human beings have choices. If nature gives us a lemon, we have a choice: either cry or make lemonade. † 7. â€Å"We cannot choose our parents or the circumstances of our birth† – by this statement what does the author mean? (a) Some things do not take place according to our choice (b) There are certain things in which we do not have any reach (c) Some things in this world are pre-determined. (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 8. By what the author tells us that choice is ours? (a) We can cry (b) We can take the ball and run away (c) We can either cry or can take the ball and run away (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 9. The opposite of the word ‘victor’? (a) Loser (b) Winner (c) Victim (d) Warrior Ans. (a) 10. What determines our destiny? (a) The way that we normally think and behave, that shows what type of person we are (d) The position we hold (c) Our being a winner (d) All of the above Ans. (a) 11. The best title for the above passage could be – (a) Right Choice (b) Pre-determination. (c) Choices defines our lives (d) Life is all about making the right choices Ans. (d) 12. According to the author, what still can be chosen if not everything in life? (a) Circumstances (b) Attitude (c) direction of life (d) None of these Ans. (b) 13. On what has the author emphasized? (a) Destiny (b) Choice (c) Action (d) All of these Ans. (b) 14. By the example of Blechnyden’s Iced Tea which message does the author give? (a) Choice is ours (b) Destiny is pre-determined (c) We have fix actions; we can not do beyond that (d) None of the above Ans. (a) 15. What does actually strengthen us? (a) Making choices (b) Handling adversity (c) Determining destiny (d) Working beyond capacity Ans. (b) 16. The synonym of ‘flourishing’ is – (a) Spoiling (b) Drowning (c) Booming (d) Hiding Ans. (c) 17. During a 5-day festival, the number of visitors tripled each day. If the festival opened on a Thursday with 345 visitors, what was the attendance on that Sunday? (a) 345 (b)1,035 (c)1,725 (d) 9,315 Ans. (d) 18. Which of the following has the least value? (a) 0. 27 (b) 1/4 (c) 3/8 (d) 11% Ans. (d) 19. Which year did the same number of boys and girls attend the conference? (a) 1995 (b) 1996 (c) 1997. (d) 1998 Ans. (a) 20. Which two years did the least number of boys attend the convention? (a) 1995 and 1996 (b) 1995 and 1998 (c) 1996 and 1997 (d) 1997 and 1994 Ans. (a) 21. Examine the following three statements : 1. Proceesed meat is a perishable food 2. All perishable foods are packed in sealed tins 3. Sealed tins sometimes to do not contains processed meat Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from the above statements? (a) Sealed tins always contain perishable food (b) Processed meat is sometimes not packed in sealed tins (c) Proceessed meat is always packed in seald tins. (d) Non-Perishable foods are never packed in seald tins Ans. (c) 22. Production of Rice and Wheat (In millions of Tonnes)| | Year| Rice| Wheat| Percentage of Wheat to Rice| 1950-51| 20. 58| 6. 46| 31. 4| 1960-61| 34. 58| 11. 00| 31. 8| 1970-71| 42. 22| 23. 83| 56. 4| 1980-81| 53. 63| 36. 31| 67. 7| 1990-91| 74. 29| 55. 14| 74. 2| 1994-95| 81. 81| 65. 77| 80. 4| 1995-96| 79. 62| 62. 62| 78. 6| The above table indicates the performance in India in rice and wheat production from 1950-51 to 1995-96. Which of the following conclusions arrived at from the above table would be valid? 1. Record production of rice as well as wheat has been in 1994-95 2. The ratio of wheat to rice production seems to have steadily increased over 16 years 3. Wheat has not been popular among the Indian population before 1980. 4. India became self-sufficient in rice and wheat only after 1990. Select the correct answer using the codes given below Codes: (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (c) 3 and 4 (d) None Ans. (a) 23. A father left a will of Rs. 35 lakhs between his two daughters aged 8. 5 and 16 such that they may get equal amounts when each of them reach the age of 21 years. The original amount of Rs. 35 lakhs has been instructed to be invested at 10% p. a. simple interest. How much did the elder daughter get at the time of the will? (a) Rs. 17. 5 lakhs (b) Rs. 21 lakhs (c) Rs. 15 lakhs (d) Rs. 20 lakhs Ans. (b) 24. What will Rs. 1500 amount to in three years if it is invested in 20% p. a. compound interest, interest being compounded annually? (a) 2400 (b) 2592 (c) 2678 (d) 2540 Ans. (b) 25. What is the area of the largest triangle that can be fitted into a rectangle of length aâ‚ ¬? laâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ units and width aâ‚ ¬? waâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ units? (a) lw/3 (b) (2lw)/3 (c) (3lw)/4. (d) (lw)/2 Ans. (d) 26. Which of the following is inCorrect? (a) An incentre is a point where the angle bisectors meet. (b) The median of any side of a triangle bisects the side at right angle. (c) The point at which the three altitudes of a triangle meet is the orthocentre (d) The point at which the three perpendicular bisectors meet is the centre of the circumcircle. Ans. (b) 27. How long will it take for a sum of money to grow from Rs. 1250 to Rs. 10,000, if it is invested at 12. 5% p. a simple interest? (a) 8 years (b) 64 years (c) 72 years (d) 56 years Ans. (d) 28. Rs. 5887 is divided between Shyam and Ram, such that Shyamaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s share at the end of 9 years is equal to Ramaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s share at the end of 11 years, compounded annually at the rate of 5%. Find the share of Shyam. (a) 2088 (b) 2000 (c) 3087 (d) None of these Ans. (c) Directions (Q 28-Q 32): Study the following information carefully to answer these questions. Eight members A, B, C, 0, E, F, G and H belonging to three families X, Y, Z go for weekend outing in three different cars I, II, III. Four out of the eight members are females. Members of any one family travel in different cars. Each car has at least one male and one female member. Each family has at least two members. A belongs to family Y and he travels in car III. D is wife of E and they travel in cars I and II respectively. H is son of B, who is wife ofG, and they belong to family Z. C is daughter of F, who is wife of A. C travels in car II. G does not travel with F. 29. Which of the following groups of persons travels in car I? (a) 0, F,G (b) D,E,G (c) D,G, H (d) D, F, H Ans. (d) 30. Which of the following members of families Y and Z travel in different cars? (a) F,G (b) C,G (c) F,H (d) None of these. Ans. (a) 31. Which of the following groups of persons is a group of all females? (a) B,D,G (b) A,B,C (c) B,E,F (d) None of these Ans. (d) 32. Which of the following members of families X and Y travel in the same car? (a) C,F (b) D,F (c) C,0 (d) F, E Ans. (b) 33. When a student weighing 45 kgs left a class, the average weight of the remaining 59 students increased by 200g. What is the average weight of the remaining 59 students? (a) 57 kgs (b) 56. 8 kgs (c) 58. 2 kgs (d) 52. 2 kgs Ans. (a) 34. Three math classes: X, Y, and Z, take an algebra test. The average score in class X is 83. The average score in class Y is 76. The average score in class Z is 85. The average score of all students in classes X and Y together is 79. The average score of all students in classes Y and Z together is 81. What is the average for all the three classes? (a) 81 (b) 81. 5 (c) 82 (d) 84. 5 Ans. (b) 35. The average of 5 quantities is 10 and the average of 3 of them is 9. What is the average of the remaining 2? (a) 11 (b) 12 (c) 11. 5 (d) 12. 5 Ans. (c) 36. A stairway 10ft high is such that each step accounts for half a foot upward and one-foot forward. What distance will an ant travel if it starts from ground level to reach the top of the stairway? (a) 30 ft (b) 33 ft (c) 10 ft (d) 29 ft Ans. (d) 37. Each interior angle of a regular polygon is 120 degrees greater than each exterior angle. How many sides are there in the polygon? (a) 6 (b) 8 (c)12 (d) 3 Ans. (c) 38. A and B are two points with the co-ordinates (-2, 0) and (0, 5). What is the length of the diagonal AC if AB form one of the sides of the square ABCD? (a) units (b) units (c) units (d) units Ans. (b) 39. The average weight of a class of 24 students is 36 years. When the weight of the teacher is also included, the average weight increases by 1kg. What is the weight of the teacher? (a) 60 kgs (b) 61 kgs (c) 37 kgs (d) None of these Ans. (b) 40. The average of 5 quantities is 10 and the average of 3 of them is 9. What is the average of the remaining 2? (a) 11 (b) 12 (c) 11. 5 (d) 12. 5 Ans. (c) Instruction (Q. 40-Q 43): Four question given below are based on the following information. Answer the questions after reading the information carefully. (i) Nine friends A, B,C, D, E, F, G, H, and I are sitting on a bench in the classroom. (ii) ‘C’ who is at immediate right of ‘D’ is third to the right of ‘E’. (iii) ‘B’ is at one end. (iv) ‘H’ is nearest neighbour of ‘F’ and ‘G’ (v) ‘F’ is third to the left of ‘B’ (vi) ‘A’ is at immediate left of ‘F’ 41. Which of the following statement is correct on the basis of above order of sitting? (a) D and H Have three people sitting between them. (b) ‘B’ is fourth to the right of F. (c) ‘I’ is at immediate left of A. (d) E and C are Neighbours. Ans. (a) 42. Which of the following groups of friends is sitting at the left of ‘C’? (a) BIG (b) AFH (c) EID (d) BAG Ans. (c) 43. Which of the following is at the other end i. e. other that that end on which ‘B’ is sitting? (a) G (b) H (c) I (d) E Ans. (d) 44. Who is sitting exactly in the middle of the bench? (a) H (b) C (c) A (d) G Ans. (c) 45. A 400 meter long train crosses and 800 meter long platform in 1 min 20 sec. What is the speed of the train? (a) 48 km/hr (b) 60 km/hr (c) 72 km/hr (d) 54 km/hr Ans. (d) 46. If the root of equation px2 + qx +r = 0 is double of the other root, which one the following is correct? (a) 2 q2 = 9 pr (b) 2 q2 = 9 (c) 4 q2 = 9 r (d) 9 q2 = 2 pr Ans. (a) 47. A takes 4 days and B takes 5 days to finish a job. If both of them work together on the same job, what proportion of the work is done by A? (a) 4/9 (b) 5/9 (c) 6/9. (d) 7/9 Ans. (b) 48. The 3rd term of a Geometric progression is 36 and its 6th term is 288. Its 8th term will be: (a) 784 (b) 576 (c) 1152 (d) 2302 Ans. (c) 49. In a two digit number, the sum of the digits is 8. If 54 is subtracted from this number, its digits interchange themselves. What is the product of the digits of the number? (a) 7 (b) 12 (c) 16 (d) 0 Ans. (a) 50. The difference between simple interest and compound interest on certain amount for 2 years at the same rate of interest is Rs. 18. If the rate doubled, what will be the difference? (a) Rs. 9 (b) Rs. 36 (c) Rs. 72 (d) Rs. 27 Ans. (c) 51. A dog is tied to a pole by a long chain. Keeping the chain fully stretched, the dog moves along a circular path covering 132 m, subtends an angle of 90 degree at the centre, Neglecting the portion of the chain used in typing, find the length of the chain. (a) 70 m (b) 78 m (c) 84 m (d) 88 m Ans. (c) 52. A merchant buys same quantities of two types of toys – one at the rate of 3 toys for Rs. 10 and the other, at the rate of 5 toys for Rs. 20. At what price he must sell all the toys so that he has no profit and no loss in the transaction? (a) 8 toys for Rs. 30 (b) 3 toys for Rs. 11 (c) 5 toys for Rs. 18. (d) 8 toys for Rs. 22 Ans. (b) 53. Find the equation of a line whose intercepts are twice of the line 3x – 2y – 12 = 0 (a) 3x – 2y = 24 (b) 2x – 3y = 12 (c) 2x – 3y = 24 (d) None of these Ans. (a) 54. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum at 12% p. a. for two years is Rs. 90. What will be the value of the amount at the end of 3 years? (a) 9000 (b) 6250 (c) 8530. 80 (d) 8780. 80 Ans. (d) 55. Vijay invested Rs. 50,000 partly at 10% and partly at 15%. His total income after a year was Rs. 7000. How much did heinvest at the rate of 10%? (a) Rs. 40,000 (b) Rs. 40,000. (c) Rs. 12,000 (d) Rs. 20,000 Ans. (b) 56. The average weight of a class of 24 students is 36 years. When the weight of the teacher is also included, the average weight increases by 1kg. What is the weight of the teacher? (a) 60 kgs (b) 61 kgs (c) 37 kgs (d) None of these Ans. (b) Instructions for the following Question: Read the following information to answer the question given below. The following conditions have been decided for the selection of Research Assistants. The candidate must: (i) Be less than 35 years of age. (ii) Be graduate in Psychology, Education or Commerce or Postgraduate in any other subject. (iii) Secure 50% marks in entrance examination. (iv) Secure A or O grade in Interview. (v) Have passed a certificate course in Methodology Research. (vi) Have recommendation of any one lecturer. If a candidate fulfills all the conditions, except (a) (i), but if he is registered for Ph. D. , his case is to be kept in waiting list. (b) (iii), but if he has secured 45% marks in entrance examination and O grade in interview, his case is to be referred to the Dean. (c) (v), but if he has qualified certificate course in Statistics, his case is to be referred to the Head Of Department. You have to decide in each of the following cases that what is the possibility of selection of the candidate? If the information is not sufficient to take any decision then your answer will be ‘data inadequate’. This information has been given to you as on 15. 12. 1996. 57. Raman has secured 60% marks in graduation with commerce subject. He has got specialization in certificate course in Methodology Research and he also has the recommendation from the lecturer under whom he is registered for Ph. D. His date of birth is 9. 12. 61. He has secured 68% marks in entrance examination and got A grade in interview. (a) Will not be selected. (b) Data inadequate (c) Will be selected. (d) Will be kept in waiting List. Ans. (d) 58. ’ means ‘–’; ‘–’ means ‘x’; ‘x’ means ‘+’ and ‘+’If ‘ 80 – 40 + 20 = ? ’, then 40 ? 120 means ‘ (a) 80 (b) 120 (c) 60 (d) 0 Ans: (d) 59. A businessman makes a profit of 20% on the sale of leather. If he were to add 10% artificial matter to the leather, by what percent would his profit increase? (a) 25% (b) 60% (c) 40% (d) 45% Ans. (b) 60. In a team, eight boys play Chess. The remaining boys, who represent 7 times the square root of the strength of the tem, play Mouth organ. What is the strength of the team? (a) 36 (b) 16 (c) 64 (d) 100 Ans. (c) 61. Cost price of 15 Computers is equal to the selling price of 20 Computers, then the loss percent would be (a) 25% (b) 20% (c) 30% (d) 45% Ans. (a) 62. How many natural numbers between 1 and 900 are not multiples of any of the numbers 2, 3, or 5? (a) 240 (b) 250 (c) 270 (d) 300 Ans. (a) 63. The age of a man is three times the sum of the ages of his two sons. Five years hence, his age will be double of the sum of the ages of his sons. The father’s present age is (a) 40 years (b) 45 years (c) 50 years (d) 55 years. Ans. (b) Instruction (Q 62-Q 63): In the two questions given below, a statement followed by two arguments I and II has been given. You have to decide which argument is strong and which one is weak? Give your answer as: (a) If only argument I is strong; (b) If only agreement II is strong; (c) If neither argument I nor argument II is strong; (d) If both argument I and argument II are strong. 64. Statement: Should freelance work programme be stopped at private companies? Argument: I. Yes, the mutual interaction of the employee and office environment helps in overall quality of work. II. No, such demand comes from that group only who don’t have any idea of work loads and pressure. Ans. (d) 65. Statement: Should usage of pesticides in agriculture be banned in India? Agriculture be banned in India? Arguments: I. Yes, because pesticides pollute the environment and are also harmful for the ecology. II. No, the safety of crops is not possible without these and food products will become very expensive due to lack of food production. Ans. (d) 66. If the numbers representing volume and surface area of a cube are equal, then the length of the edge of the cube in terms of the unit of measurement will be (a) 3. (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 Ans. (d) 67. In a group of travelling in a bus, 6 persons can speak Tamil, 15 can speak Hindi and 6 can speak Gujrati. In that group none can speak any other language. If 2 persons in the group can speak two languages and one person can speak all the three languages, then how many persons are there in the group? (a) 21 (b) 22 (c) 23 (d) 24 Ans. (d) 68. A boat which has a speed of 5 km/hr in still water crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest possible path in 15 minutes. The velocity of the river water in km/hr is (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) v41 Ans. (a) 69. When three coins are tossed together the probability that all coins have the same face up, is (a) 1/3 (b) 1/6 (c) 1/8 (d) 1/12 Ans. (c) Directions (Q 68-Q 72):,Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below: H93P$KE%4FR I U@WG2MI5BQZ6 ©*N&8VJ 70. If all the symbols and numbers are dropped from the above arrangement, which of the following will be the fourteenth from the right end? (a) M (b) K (c) W (d) E Ans. (d) 71. What should come in place of the question mark (? ) in the following series based on the above arrangement? _PK% RUW M5Q ? (a)  ©N8. (b)  ©N15 (c) 15*15 (d) 6*8 Ans. (a) 72. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a letter and immediately followed by a symbol? (a) None (b) One (c) Two (d) Three Ans. (b) 73. Which of the following is the seventh-to the left of the twentieth from the left end of the above arrangement? (a) U (b)S (c)M (d)N Ans. (a) 74. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a number but not immediately preceded by a number? (a) None (b) One (c) Two (d) More than three Ans. (d) 75. Left pan of faulty weighs 100gram more than is right pan. A shopkeeper keeps the weight measure in the left pan while buying goods but keeps it in the right pan while selling his goods. He uses only 1kg weight measure. If he sells his goods at the listed cost price, What is his gain? (a) 200/11% (b) 100/11% (c) 1000/9% (d) 200/9% Ans. (a) 76. Societies have been increasing in complexity from folk to industrial. Under this circumstances, according to you social control is more likely to be invested in – (a) family (b) school (c) state (d) religious structures Ans. (c). Instructions (Q 77-Q 86): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. â€Å"The big difference between the ideas of Aristotle and those of Galileo and Newton is that Aristotle believed in a preferred state of rest, which any body would take up if it were not driven by some force or impulse. In particular, he thought that the earth was at rest. But it follows from Newton’s laws that there is no unique standard of rest. One could equally well say that body A was at rest and body B was moving at constant speed with respect to body A, or that body B was at rest and body A was moving. For example, if one sets aside for a moment the rotation of the earth and its orbit round the sun, one could say that the earth was at rest and that a train on it was travelling north at ninety miles per hour or that the train was at rest and the earth was moving south at ninety miles per hour. If one carried out experiments with moving bodies on the train, all Newton’s laws would still hold. For instance, playing Ping-pong on the train, one would find that the ball obeyed Newton’s laws just like a ball on a table by the track. So there is no way to tell whether it is the train or the earth that is moving. The lack of an absolute standard of rest meant that one could not determine whether two events that took place at different times occurred in the same position in space. For example, suppose our Ping-Pong ball on the train bounces straight up and down. Hitting the table twice on the same spot one second apart. To someone on the track, the two bounces would seem to take place about forty meters apart, because the train wood have traveled that far down the track between the bounces. The nonexistence of absolute rest therefore meant that one could not give an event an absolute position in space, as Aristotle had believed. The position of events and the distance between them would be different far a person of the train and one on he track, and there would be no reason to prefer one person’s position to the other’s. Newton was very worried by this lack of absolute position, or absolute space, as it was called, because it did not accord with his idea of an absolute God. In fact, he refused to accept lack of absolute space, even though it was implied by his laws. He was severely criticized for this irrational belief by many people, most notably by Bishop Berkeley, a philosopher who believed that all material objects and space and time are an illusion. When the famous Dr. Johnson was told of Brekeley’s opinion, he cried, â€Å"I refute it thus! † and stubbed his toe on a large stone. Both Aristotle and Newton believed in absolute time. That is, they believed that one could unambiguously measure the interval of time between two events, and that this time would be the same whoever measured it, provided they used a good clock. Time was completely separate from and independent of space. This is what most people would take to be the commonsense view. However, we have had to change our ideas about space and time. Although our apparently commonsense nations work well when dealing with things like apples, or planets that travels comparatively slowly, they don’t work at all things moving at or near the speed of light. † 77. Consider the following statements: 1. Newton is a firm beliver of both absolute time and a preferred state of rest 2. Aristotle believer in absolute time 3. Newton believes in absolute time 4. Galileo believes in a preferred state of rest (a) 1 Only (b) 1 & 2 (c) 2 & 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 & 4 Ans. (c) 78. According to the author, what is the need of space? 1. To set an absolute standard of rest 2. To determine rest and motion. 3. To determiner whether two events taking place at the same time takes place in the same space also 4. To determine the defference between time and space (a) 1 & 2 (b) 1, 2 & 3 (c) 3 & 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 & 4 Ans. (c) 79. According to Aristotle- (a) Position of events and distances between them an different (b) Space is nonexistent (c) All nonexistent bodies have absolute rest (d) None of the above Ans. (a) 80. From the passage what can we infer? (a) There is no rest (b) There is rest (c) There is absolute rest (d) There is no absolute rest Ans. (d) 81. What seems contradictory in Newton’s laws? (a) Newton’s concept of Absolute God. (b) Concept of Absolute space (c) Concept of rest (d) None of these Ans. (b) 82. Who discards material objects and space and time? (a) Newton (b) Aristotle (c) Barkeley (d) Galileo Ans. (c) 83. Consider the following statements according to the information provided in paragraph three? (a) On Barkeleys opinion, Dr. Johnson had no remarks (b) Dr. Johnson criticized Barkeley vehemently (c) Dr. Johnson accepted Barkeley’s view (d) Dr. Johnson was indifferent Ans. (b) 84. â€Å"The interval of time between two events can be measured unambiguously. †-this implies- (a) Absolute space (b) Absolute time (c) Both Absolute time and absolute space (d). Neither absolute time non absolute space Ans. (b) 85. The term â€Å"unambiguous† means? (a) Clean and proper (b) Perfect (c) Confusing or not difined (d) Well difined Ans. (c) 86. What does the author openion in the passage? (a) Time is completely separated and independent from space (b) Time and space and interdependent (c) Time is dependent on space and not vice-versa (d) Space is dependment on time and vice-versa Ans. (a) 87. A sum of money invested for a certain number of years at 8% p. a. simple interest grows to Rs. 180. The same sum of money invested for the same number of years at 4% p. a.simple interest grows to Rs. 120 only. For how many years was the sum invested? (a) 25 years (b) 40 years (c) 33 years and 4 months (d) Cannot be determined Ans. (a) 88. How long will it take for a sum of money to grow from Rs. 1250 to Rs. 10,000, if it is invested at 12. 5% p. a simple interest? (a) 8 years (b) 64 years (c) 72 years (d) 56 years Ans. (d) 89. Rs. 5887 is divided between Shyam and Ram, such that Shyamaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s share at the end of 9 years is equal to Ramaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s share at the end of 11 years, compounded annually at the rate of 5%. Find the share of Shyam. (a) 2088 (b) 2000 (c) 3087 (d) None of these Ans. (c) 90. An equilateral triangular plate is to be cut in to n number of identical small equilateral triangular plates. Which of the following can be possible value of n? (a) 196 (b) 216 (c) 256 (d) 296 Ans. (c) 91. Find the area of the sector covered by the hour hand after it has moved through 3 hours and the length of the hour hand is 7cm. (a) 1. 77 sq. cm (b) 2. 38. 5 sq. cm (c) 3. 35 sq. cm (d) 4. 70 sq. cm Ans. (b) 92. Left pan of faulty weighs 100gram more than is right pan. A shopkeeper keeps the weight measure in the left pan while buying goods but keeps it in the right pan while selling his goods. He uses only 1kg weight measure. If he sells his goods at the listed cost price, What is his gain? (a) 200/11% (b) 100/11% (c) 1000/9% (d) 200/9% Ans. (a) 93. Societies have been increasing in complexity from folk to industrial. Under this circumstances, according to you social control is more likely to be invested in – (a) family (b) school (c) state (d) religious structures Ans. (c) 94. Each interior angle of a regular polygon is 120 degrees greater than each exterior angle. How many sides are there in the polygon? (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 3 Ans. (c) 95. In the following question, the student’s clinical judgement is assessed: A 28 year old woman with one child has taken anti-thyroid drugs for 6 months for thyrotoxicosis. She has a friend who has been successfully treated with radioiodine. She finds she frequently forgets to take her drugs and wants to stop them to have radio-iodine treatment. 1. She should be told that because of her age radio-iodine is best avoided. 2. The problems associated with radio-iodine should be discussed with her. 3. Surgery as a possible alternative should be discussed with her. 4. She should be advised that some form of further treatment is required. 5. You should find out more about her friend’s treatment. (a) 1 only (b) 2, 3 & 4 (c) 1 & 5 (d) 1, 2 & 3 Ans. (b) 96. In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but the selling price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit? (a) 30% (b) 70% (c) 100% (d) 250% Ans. (b) Directions for the following questions from Question No 97 to Question No 100: The following passage in this section is followed by questions based on the content of the reading passage. Read the passage carefully and chose the best answer to each question below. â€Å"But man is not destined to vanish. He can be killed, but he cannot be destroyed, because his soul is deathless and his spirit is irrepressible. Therefore, though the situation seems dark in the context of the confrontation between the superpowers, the silver lining is provided by amazing phenomenon that the very nations which have spent incalculable resources and energy for the production of deadly weapons are desperately trying to find out how they might never be used. They threaten each other, intimidate each other and go to the brink, but before the total hour arrives they withdraw from the brink. † 97. What is the synonym of the word, confrontation? (a) Being face to face (b) Involving in a clash (c) Fair relationship (d) None of the above Ans: (a) 98. What is the crux of the passage? (a) Man’s soul and spirit can not be destroyed by superpowers. (b) Man’s soul and spirit are immortal. (c)Man’s safety is assured by the delicate balance of power in terms of nuclear weapons. (d) Human society will survive despite the serious threat of total annihilation. Ans : (d) 99. The phrase ‘Go to the brink’ in the passage means – (a) Retreating from extreme danger. (b) Declare war on each other. (c) Advancing to the stage of war but not engaging in it. (d) Commit suicide. Ans : (c) 100. What is the author’s opinion? (a) Nations in possession of huge stockpiles of lethal weapons are trying hard to avoid actual conflict. (b) Huge stockpiles of destructive weapons have so far saved mankind from a catastrophe. (c) Mankind is heading towards complete destruction. —